뒷북이지만, 이 글을 보시는 수험생분들께
If you plant a seed in the ground and water it every day, it starts to grow towards the surface. If you don't know and trust that this seed is growing, you will doubt whether anything at all is happening underneath the surface. You may start and say: "I don't believe in this! I water this piece of ground every day, but I never see any results for all my hard work!" Part of life is trusting that if you put in the effort, the outcome is already happening with your very intention and then your action. Eventually, one day, that little plant breaks through the soil with its green, new stem. And from there, you watch it grow stronger and more vital every day (as long as you keep looking after it and watering it!)
3년동안 많이 고생하셨어요.
이제는 빛을 발할 차례예요!
이 순간을 위해서 얼마 동안이나 고난을 인내하며 공부해오셨는데
잘 보셔야죠!
이제 고생한 만큼, 그동안 쌓아온 내공을 터뜨릴 차례밖에 안 남았어요!
나의 최고 포텐을 보여주세요!
Today is the day when you can watch that little plant breaks through the soil with its green, new stem!
If you had already watched the germinating, you can surely see it grow stronger and more vital every day!
*이미 싹이 튼 걸 보신 분들은 6평, 9평 때 아주 높은 점수를 받으셨던 분들을 말하는 거고, 이 분들은 수능에서 그 싹이 더 굳세지고 영양가 있게 되는 것을 보게 될 거예요!
그렇지 못하셨던 분들 역시 수능에서 그동안의 노력의 싹이 힘차게 하늘로 움트는 것을 보시게 될 거예요!
*germinate = sprout = 발아하다, 싹이 트다
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