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드디어 수능이 이틀 앞으로 다가왔네요.
저도 벌써부터 스산함(날씨가 추워서가 절대 아니고요ㅋㅋ..)을 느끼는데, 여러분의 심정은 어떨지 궁금하네요.
저는 약속드렸던 인수 변형문제 몇 개를 마저 투척하고, 물러가보려 합니다.
수능 대박을 진심으로 기원한다는.. 그런 클리쉐밖에는 달리 말씀을 못 드리겠네요ㅠㅠ..
그럼 바로 문제로 넘어갈게요!
1. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
If you’ve ever felt stress ─ and who hasn’t? ─ chances are excellent that it’s because you felt you just didn’t have enough time to do what you wanted to at the level of quality to which you were committed. You could be feeling this frustration, for example, because you’re focusing exclusively on the demands of the moment: present requests, present challenges, and present events. In this stressed and overloaded state, your effectiveness is rapidly diminished. The solution is simple: Take control of the time frame you’re focusing upon. If the present is stressful, then become more resourceful in dealing with your challenges by focusing on the future and the successful completion or resolution of the tasks before you. This new focus will instantly change your state. It will also give you the very resources you need to turn things around in the present. [인터넷수능 p.95 2번]
In order to tackle stress stemming from (A) workload, it may be helpful to (B) your focus on time frame. |
(A) (B) (A) (B)
① excessive shift ② unreasonable narrow
③ excessive expand ④ limited narrow
⑤ limited reverse
2. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Though no age of life escapes feelings of loneliness, a particular society can contribute strongly to such feelings. In today’s consumer society, people are encouraged to judge themselves by the things they have. We are so flooded by absurd advertising that we fail to reflect on what such advertising is really telling us. Pick any commercial on television and assume a critical distance from it. Ask yourself the following questions: What is the commercial saying about me? To what is it appealing in me? By what values is it asking me to live? It may be telling me that . We can start judging people, both others and ourselves, by their property, their financial success, their clothes, or the size and price of their automobiles. This induces loneliness. [인터넷수능 p.102 3번]
① I am what I have
② the inside matters
③ emotion creates capital
④ feeling proves its worth
⑤ system outpaces human
3. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
In Western culture, playing the masculine role has traditionally required traits such as independence, assertiveness, and dominance. Females are expected to be more nurturing and sensitive to other people. Are these masculine and feminine roles universal? Could biological differences between the sexes lead inevitably to sex differences in behavior? In 1935, anthropologist Margaret Mead compared the gender roles adopted by people in three tribal societies on the island of New Guinea, and her observations are certainly thought-provoking. In the Arapesh tribe, both men and women were taught to play what we would regard as a feminine role: They were cooperative, non-aggressive, and sensitive to the needs of others. Both men and women of the Mundugumor tribe were brought up to be aggressive and emotionally unresponsive to other people ─ a masculine pattern of behavior by Western standards. Finally, the Tchambuli tribe displayed a pattern of gender-role development that was the direct opposite of the Western pattern: Males were passive, emotionally dependent, and socially sensitive, whereas females were dominant, independent, and assertive. [인터넷수능 p.105 6번]
① Masculinity negatively affects your job performance!
② No tribal custom should prevail over another culture’s!
③ Analysis into the cultural factor behind sexual trafficking
④ Surprise finding: traditional gender distinction is not universal!
⑤ Gender distinction, not discrimination: there are times it is needed!
4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
The urge to censor music for fear of its effects . Every century on every continent has seen those in authority ─ whether as church or as state ─ use their powers to silence certain sounds or performers. Plato’s concern about the potential moral damage to be discerned in some types of music marks one of the earliest recorded examples. “The overseers,” Plato is recorded as saying, “must throughout be watchful against innovation in music counter to the established order, and to the best of their power guard against it.” In seventeenth-century England, the performance of unlicensed ballads could lead to fines or imprisonment. A recent similar story is of the Chinese authorities imprisoning fourteen Tibetan nuns for singing songs in support of their country’s independence. [인터넷수능 p.106 1번]
① is as old as music itself
② violates basic human rights
③ was dismissed by authorities
④ reveals an aspect of power play
⑤ is an outdated remnant of the past
그리고 시간관계상 모두 문제화하지 못했던 몇 개의 중요 지문들을 말씀드릴게요.
인수의 앞부분부터 연재를 시작했기에, mini test에 있는 몇 지문만 적으면 될 것 같아요.
- 19강 mini test 1회: 4번, 8번, 10번
- 20강 mini test 2회: 4번, 8번
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777 4
감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
1에 답 다른거 아닌가요?
exclusively하게 current demand에 집중하고 있으니까 힘듦
-> 미래와 솔루션으로 시선을 바꿔보셈
이라고 생각했는데...ㅠ
(A) Excessive -> 과도한 업무스트레스
(B) Narrow one's focus on = ~에 집중하다
「과도한 업무스트레스로 고생중이면,당신의 시간대에 집중해라 (다른 시간대 -여기선, 미래- 를 떠올리려고 해라)」가 이 글의 요지라서 1번골랐음요..
narrow your focus on이 하나의 언어덩어리인가요?ㅠ
narrow가 동사고 your focus가 목적어라고생각했는데;; 흠흠 어렵네여
죄송합니다..ㅠㅠ 제가 선지 배열을 잘못 했네요. 선지를 수정했습니다. a에는 excessive, b에는 shift가 들어가는 것이 맞습니다. 직전에 혼동을 드린것 같아 정말 죄송할 따름입니다. 모두들 수능 잘 보시길 바랍니다!
1번문제 답이 뭐에요...
A는 excessive같고 b 는 shift같은데...
인수볼시간 없엇는데 ㅠ,ㅠ 딱 올려주신 지문위주로 봐야겟어요ㅠ.ㅠ 감사함돠~!~!
M영어님 감사드립니다
고마버여 답도 부탁드려요♥♥ ㅎㅎ