Magnetic North & Taiyo Na - Home:Word
hadn’t thought it possible but i forgot my own road
thought i was so unstoppable forgot my ego
then to topple down like dominoes a prodigal soul
but i’m not runnin no more took off my air max
used to hate staring at myself now i stare back
mama pushed my hair back told me a secret
you never know home baby girl ’til you leave it
used to think home was a physical place
a space where you live and your lay
your head to rest and wake up on a typical day
an address used to get deliveries made
but i’m homesick though in my own zip code
wistful swimming like a fish in a fish bowl
wishful what am i searching for
i’m looking for a place where i don’t search no more.
i’ll tell you i’m used to being used to
going through with the motions
but everytime i’m away
everyday my thoughts just drive me insane
cuz i feel
you’re a further world beyond oceans
looking out into space
to the place i know that’s keeping my faith
sweep me away
it’s hard to find the words for something so basic
the simplest things can be most courageous
debated yes but it’s less complex
home is every moment i feel god bless
home is where i come back
all night we laugh and vibe and soul clap
home i find it in friends
i find it in things a light from within
home is a song on a subway
the howl of the blues to be free one day
home is every true note
every real lyric and any new hope and
home is something to fight for
the soul of a man a.k.a. his life force
home when you close your eyes
and feel in your heart how your soul’s alive
i’ll tell you i’m used to being used to
going through with the motions
but everytime i’m away
everyday my thoughts just drive me insane
cuz i feel
you’re a further world beyond oceans
looking out into space
to the place i know that’s keeping my faith
sweep me away
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
my god i got so lost that i forgot my real goals
i gotta promise to be honest to my heart and my soul
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta cross potholes gotta cross the whole coasts
i gotta cross the obstacles that got me walking so slow
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta honor my ohana be a positive role
a role model sons and daughters call upon when alone
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i got caught up cuz my job became the boss of my soul
i got locked and boxed in became robotic and cold
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i got my mom and poppa home cooking hot on the stove
i love you mom and pops props you made all this possible
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i know this road’s rocky and i’m goin’ fall on my own
but this is my road and i’m goin’ follow my own
i gotta get get gotta gotta get home
i’ll tell you i’m used to being used to
going through with the motions
but everytime i’m away
everyday my thoughts just drive me insane
cuz i feel
you’re a further world beyond oceans
looking out into space
to the place i know that’s keeping my faith
sweep me away
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